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What Makes a Good Website?

Your website is one of the most important assets of your business, as it can determine whether a potential client will choose to do business with you or not. So, the quality of it is definitely something you should pay attention to. A good website will grab your audience’s attention, appeal to their emotions, and easily get them what they need. But what exactly makes a “good” website? Here are some things you should consider when building your website.


A good website should be organized and well structured, and the design should be beautiful and memorable so your website can stand out from your competitors. By making sure that your website has a thoughtful organizational structure and is user-friendly, your visitors will be able to have a better experience while navigating through your site. Typography is a big part of this, the font you choose and the size of it can make a huge difference in the way your website looks, as well as the color palette you work with and the imagery. It is highly important to make sure that your website looks good both on desktop and mobile devices.


Your website is only as good as its content. High quality websites focus on their audience’s needs, not only on what they’re selling, so it’s extremely important that you understand your target audience. Good and original content will build your potential clients’ interest and get them involved with your business, and even come back for more! Also, it is crucial that you know your competitors. It’s a good idea to do some research on the websites of your competitors and see what type of content they’re offering. This will help you create a better strategy and decide whether you want to share similar content or offer something different. Blogs, articles, images, and videos are just some forms of content that you can share on your website.


You must understand exactly what your website is for and have a clear purpose in mind while creating it. For example, if your main purpose for creating a website is selling a product, selling should be your absolute priority, and that will determine what your website should look like, how you want to structure it, and what type of content you want to share. A part of having a clear purpose for your website is also having a clear audience in mind. Establishing what your target audience is will save you a lot of time and narrow down your options. You can start by thinking about their age, what they do for a living, what their interests are, how they spend their time, etc. Once you have all of this figured out, the rest will come naturally!


It might seem trivial, but the reality is that every second counts when it comes to navigating a site. There’s a lot of statistics that show users will leave and never come back to your site if there are only a few seconds of delay. Users don’t want to have to wait around for slow content to download, they want what they need right there and then. One way to make sure your website doesn’t run into this issue is by posting optimized graphics and content.


Search engine optimization performance also plays an important role in the quality of your websites, as it can help you avoid duplicate content and optimize your site’s speed to help search engines find your website. It also helps with link building, which will determine how your website will rank on the results page. We’ve discussed many other ways SEO can impact your website’s success in other blogs on this website, we strongly advise you take a look at them!

Why is the Quality of your Website SO Important?

Don’t trust us? Here are some statistics that prove why you should care about the quality of your website:

  • 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout are unattractive

  • 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience

  • 75% of consumers admit to making judgments on a company’s credibility based on the company’s website design

  • Nearly 8 in 10 customers would stop engaging with content that doesn’t display well on their device

  • A study found that 94% of negative website feedback was design related

Now the question is, where do we start? Should you create your own website? Is it worth all the time and struggle? Or should you hire a graphic designer to do it for you instead? We’re always willing to help our customers succeed with their business, so feel free to call us for a free consultation today!


For more related content, visit our blogs Is It Worth Designing Your Own Website? or 6 Reasons You Have to Have SEO.

Kimberly Norris | |

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